Tabathas easy meditation guide

Hello everyone! We really hope you have had a great week 🙂

As Kat and I are unable to travel very far, we have been helping the world to stay calm and are highlighting the benefits of meditation as it is proven to be a positive tool for mental health. If you have a positive mind, you lead a more positive life, which leads to overall better health.

On this beautiful Wednesday evening (Australia time) your travel cat would like to share with you a lovely breathing meditation which is sure to relax your mind. Breathing is so important as it is the essence of life and gives you the oxygen you need.

First of all find a comfortable space. If you have candles, light them (make sure they are in a holder for safety) and if you like to have incense, go ahead and light it too (make sure you have a door/window slightly open unless you are outside in nature and it is in a holder too). Sit on your blanket/mat with your spine straight and with your hands rested on your lap with your palms turned up.

Secondly, start to take deep inhales of breath. No worries about counting your breath for now, just feel the sensation of the breath as you breath deeply in and deeply out. Notice the stillness and quiet all around you (here the birds are tweeting their evening song…)

Thirdly, slowly close down your eyes and continue to breath in and out deeply. Your body will start to relax as your mind starts to relax. Now on your next inhale, start to count your breath and continue to do this every time you inhale. If you find your mind start to wander, bring it back by concentrating on the counting. Try to repeat for thirty inhales.

Next, switch your counting to exhales. Once you have reached thirty on the inhale count, start by counting from one on your next exhale. Once again, repeat thirty times and if you find your mind wandering, bring your concentration back to your breath.

Once you have reached thirty exhales. stop counting and relax by once more experiencing the feel of your breath as it glides through your nose and out through your mouth. If your mind starts to wander focus on a positive thought, such as your pet cat 🙂

Stay in this moment for as long as you need to. This is your time to be with yourself. You will know when to come around. Once you have opened your eyes, don’t move straight away. Sit for ten minutes and embrace your relaxation and the stillness around you.

We really hope you find this meditation useful. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a great day/afternoon/evening no matter where you are on Earth/Universe.

Tabatha (and Kat) xxx